PAKISTAN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION 37-H, BLOCK-6 P.E.C.H.S., KARACHI-PAKISTAN TEL: 0092-21-34522769, 34522685, 34544765 FAX: 0092-21-34543774 E-MAIL: URL TOP URGENT Dated: 16th April, 2012 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION Consequent to Association’s letter to Member Consumer, NEPRA on issues relating KESCL, we have received reply from NEPRA asking us to intimate issues of our members relating to KESCL. To enable the Association to compile all issues relating KESCL, all such valued members WHOSE POWER SUPPLY HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED OR WHO HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE FROM KESC RELATING TO CAPTIVE POWER PLANT / POWER FACTOR / OVERLOAD OR UNDERLOAD and such members whose POWER SUPPLY HAS BEEN RESTORED ON PRODUCING UNDERTAKING are requested to send all such details including copies of Notices of KESCL relating to above as well as copies of Undertaking submitted by them to KESCL, TO THE ASSOCIATION AT THE SOONEST FOR ONWARD SUBMISSION TO NEPRA. WITH BEST REGARDS,