PAKISTAN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION 37-H, BLOCK-6 P.E.C.H.S., KARACHI-PAKISTAN TEL: 0092-21-34522769, 34522685, 34544765 FAX: 0092-21-34543774 E-MAIL: URL Ref. No. PHMA/Cir-118/2013 Dated: 12th November, 2013 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION POSTPONEMENT OF THE PRESENTATION ON "FREIGHT RATES ONLINE SYSTEM- FROS” BY M/S. KARACHI CARGO SERVICES PVT LTD. Our members’ attention is invited to our Circular dated 16th November, 2013 regarding Presentation to be made by M/s. Karachi Cargo Services Pvt Ltd on Wednesday, 20th November, 2013 at 3:30 pm at PHMA House, Karachi. In this regard the Chairman, Mr. Irfan Z. Bawany and Chief Coordinator, Mr. M. Jawed Bilwani had detailed discussion with them after which it has been decided to keep the subject presentation on hold for the time being and our members should be facilitated to have an awareness of the services being offered by M/s. Karachi Cargo Services Pvt Ltd which are reproduced as under: (this is just for the information of our members and not a solicitation) Quote: We are sending you the flyer with a signup link embedded in the image. PHMA members can simply click on the image and register themselves and experience and use our services. Also below are some companies whom we serve as nominated agents: - Al Pinter N.V (Belgium) - Sodi Riep Textiles (Belgium) - Bay Field Trading (UK) - Jordache Ltd. (USA) If any further details are required please don't hesitate to contact us. Naveed Ashraf Vadria Sales Manager KARACHI CARGO SERVICES PVT LTD Fabeha Castle, 168 Block B, S.M.C.H.S CELL: 0092-321-2685600 Gmail: Skype: sm2kcs Unquote: In view of the above members are informed that the Presentation of M/s. Karachi Cargo Services Pvt Ltd scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 20th November, 2013 at 3:30 pm at PHMA House, Karachi has been postponed. Thanks & Best Regards, Yunus Bin Aiyoob Secretary General Through e-mail PAKISTAN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION 37-H, BLOCK-6 P.E.C.H.S., KARACHI-PAKISTAN TEL: 0092-21-34522769, 34522685, 34544765 FAX: 0092-21-34543774 E-MAIL: URL Ref. No. PHMA/Cir-118/2013 Dated: 12th November, 2013 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION ON "FREIGHT RATES ONLINE SYSTEM- FROS" REMINDER: IMPORTANT DATED: 16th NOVEMBER, 2013 PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN TIMING RESCHEDULED FROM 2:30 PM TO 3:30 PM ON WEDNESDAY. 20TH NOVEMBER, 2013 M/s. Karachi Cargo Services PVT Ltd have requested us for Multimedia Presentation on the subject and the Association for the benefit of our valued members has consented to their Presentation to be made on Wednesday, 20th. November, 2013 at 3:30 pm at PHMA House, Karachi. Hi- Tea arrangement done. Interested members may please participate in the Presentation. Their email also attached herewith. Thanks & Best Regards, Yunus Bin Aiyoob, Secretary General, PHMA [*] [*] This is electronic email and does not require any signature. From: PHMA-Info [] Through e-mail PAKISTAN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION 37-H, BLOCK-6 P.E.C.H.S., KARACHI-PAKISTAN TEL: 0092-21-34522769, 34522685, 34544765 FAX: 0092-21-34543774 E-MAIL: URL Ref. No. PHMA/Cir-118/2013 Dated: 12th November, 2013 TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION PRESENTATION ON "FREIGHT RATES ONLINE SYSTEM- FROS" M/s. Karachi Cargo Services PVT Ltd have requested us for Multimedia Presentation on the subject and the Association for the benefit of our valued members has consented to their Presentation to be made on Wednesday, 20th. November, 2013 at 2.30 pm at PHMA House, Karachi. Interested members may please participate in the Presentation. Their email also attached herewith. Thanks & Best Regards, Yunus Bin Aiyoob, Secretary General, PHMA [*] [*] This is electronic email and does not require any signature. To Mr. Mohammad Jawed Bilwani Chairman Secretary General Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers Association. Respected Sirs, Please trust us, this is not a Sales or Marketing communication. Because, after adoption of the system, the members of PHMA will be able to use it absolutely FREE and with no obligation whatsoever. Karachi Cargo Services Pvt Ltd., Air & Ocean Freight Forwarder, Logistics Services Provider (IATA Approved, ISO 9001:2008 certified, Members of ACAAP, FIATA, PIFFA, KCCI) does not require any formal introduction to the Export Fraternity of Pakistan especially the Apparels, Textiles, Garments and Hosiery Manufacturers and Export Houses. From our valued Customers, especially the members of PHMA, We have been receiving quotes requests for their valuable exports, round-the-clock. The rates/quotes are always possible during working hours and times, but during the odd hours, these quotes were replied after four to five or sometimes it took 24 and over weekends at-least 48 to 50 hours. After a long research and surveys, we are now able to derive a comprehensive and state-of-the-art System. We have named this "Freight Rates Online System- FROS". We request your Esteemed & August Association: “We request to the Chairman, Executive Committee and other members of Sub or Standing Committees; to spare a few minutes time at any suitable and conveniently possible venue to make a short presentation” We also request to the Chairman of Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturer Association, Mr. Mohammad Jawed Bilwani to be the Chief Guest at the Launch Pad of the System. Look forward to receive. Regards, Naveed Ashraf Vadria Sales Manager KARACHI CARGO SERVICES PVT LTD Fabeha Castle, 168 Block B, S.M.C.H.S Karachi, Pakistan, TEL: 0092-21- 34393051-4 CELL# 0092-321-2685600 Email Gmail Skype sm2kcs |