PAKISTAN HOSIERY MANUFACTURERS & EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION 37-H, BLOCK-6 P.E.C.H.S., KARACHI-PAKISTAN TEL: 0092-21-34522769, 34522685, 34544765 FAX: 0092-21-34543774 E-MAIL: URL Ref. No. PHMA/Cir-012/2016 Dated: 12th February, 2016
JOINT PRESS CONFERENCE AND PROTEST OF FIVE EXPORT ORIENTED SECTORS’ ASSOCIATIONS ON MONDAY 15TH FEBRUARY, 2016 AT 11:00 A.M. AT PHMA HOUSE, KARACHI You are most cordially invited to participate in theJoint Press Conference and Protest of the Five Export Oriented Sectors’ Associations on Monday 15 February, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at PHMA House Karachi on the burning issues of discontinuation of zero rating, billions of rupees of exporters stuck up with the government in Sales Tax Refund Claims, Customs Rebate Claims, DLTL Claims and even funds not released as per Textile Policy 2009-14. Press Conference will be followed by Protest. (Protest Material i.e. Banners, Black Flag & Black armbands have been arranged by the Association)
Members are requested to participate in strength in this crucial Press Conference. Best Regards,